Sunday, January 6, 2019

Weekly Update

Happy New Year!
I can't wait to see everyone bright and early tomorrow!

Please remember to return the green holiday reading challenge sheet which was sent home before the break. If you need another, let me know. Also, if your child borrowed books, please send those back.

Please save the following dates on your calendar:

Tuesday, January 8th, Papa John's Pizza Night
Thursday, January 10th, Report Cards go home
Friday, January 11th, Science Fair Projects Due (optional)
Monday, January 14th, Penny Wars Begin
Thursday, January 17th, 6:00-7:00 pm STEM Night at Addison
Monday, January 21st, MLK Holiday, No School
Tuesday, January 22nd, 6:00 pm, Munch and Mingle, Learn how to raise your child in a Cyber World
Thursday, January 24th, 5:00-8:00 pm, Chick-Fil-A Night
Friday, January 25th, Penny Wars End
Friday, January 25th, Father-Daughter Dance

Homework Update: We are beginning new reading homework in 3rd grade. It will be attached to your child's math homework and sent home on Monday, due Friday. Your child should also continue reading at least 20 minutes each night and logging minutes in biblionasium if you're able. Spelling words will be written in agendas on Monday to be studied throughout the week for Friday's quiz. In an effort to encourage responsibility, we will also begin writing down homework and/or important reminders in agendas. Please check your child's agenda nightly and sign in the appropriate spot at the bottom of the column. 

Here's a look at our learning this week:

In science, we are beginning a new unit on Georgia regions and habitats. For the next 3 weeks, we will learn about the major ecological regions of Georgia including the plants and animals which live in those regions. We will also learn about specific adaptations which plants and animals have that help them survive in their habitats. We will kick off this unit with a visit to the Science Lab on Monday!

In writing, we will begin a unit on opinion writing. We will learn the difference between fact and opinion and then begin forming our own opinions about some fun topics like, "What is the best candy?" We will learn how to support our opinions with reasons and examples.

In reading, we will be learning about point of view. We will learn that sometimes our point of view (or perspective) may be different than that of the author's. We will also see how different characters within a text sometimes have different opinions about the same topic. As you read with your child each night, ask him or her about the author's or character's point of view about an event in the book.

In math, we will learn about perimeter this week. We will review what we learned about area earlier this year and notice the differences between area and perimeter.

We are excited to welcome our new student, Matthew, to class this week!

As always, please let me or Mrs. Keith know if you have any questions or concerns.

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