Sunday, September 29, 2019

Weekly Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a great Fall Break. I enjoyed spending some extra time with my own family, but I missed my 3rd grade family too! I can't wait to see everyone this week! We have a busy week, so please read these dates carefully:

Mon., Sept. 30, Conference letters coming home - Please return ASAP
Tues., Oct. 1st, Zaxby's Spirit Night
Thurs., Oct. 3rd, Picture Day - These pictures will go in the yearbook.
Fri., Oct. 4th, STEM walk day, wear your blue Addison STEM shirt

We are excited to have another Addison STEM Day this Friday. If you are able, please check the sign up genius to see what supplies are still needed. Thank you.

Here's a look at our learning this week:

In reading, we are moving on to a new standard. We will be working on referring to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza and describing how each successive part builds on earlier sections. Most chapter books are perfect for practicing this skill. After your child reads, ask him or her questions like, "What happened in chapter 2 that caused something to happen in chapter 3?" or "How would the story be different if chapter 4 wasn't in the book?" We will focus on the terms poem, stanza, and line this week as well as chapter. Next week, we will dive into dramas and scenes. 

In writing, we will be composing a new rough draft for story ideas we planned prior to the break. Be on the lookout for your child's first story & rubric coming home this week. Celebrate your child's writing with him or her and then look at the rubric together and see what improvements could be made. As we write this week, we will focus on telling a story that includes feelings, thoughts, actions, and dialogue as well as a strong opening and closing.

We will also learn more about how to correctly capitalize words in titles.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out through classdojo or email.

Thank you!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fall Break Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

I hope everyone enjoys Fall Break next week! Be sure to have your child complete the reading challenge. A recording sheet went home in Thursday folders yesterday. If you didn't get it or lose it, that's ok, just be sure to read 20 minutes each day and I will get a form for you after the break. I'm hoping our class has 100% participation on this challenge! 

Also, on Friday, October 4th, we will have another STEM Day at Addison! We are excited for this day, but we could use some help collecting supplies. Please visit this sign-up genius to see if you're able to donate anything for our STEM adventure.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Weekly ELA Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

Here's what happening with reading, writing, and grammar this week:

Reading - We are continuing our work with context clues. As I've said before this is a very important skill for readers. As your child reads at home, encourage him or her to hunt for clues around an unknown word before asking you what the word means. We will have a context clue assessment on Friday in which students will read a short passage and then use context clues to determine the meaning of a few words. 

Writing - We will begin planning a new narrative story this week. Ask your child what topic he or she chose to write about and then have him or her begin telling you their story using lots of descriptive language including feelings, actions, thoughts and dialogue. This will help your child when it comes time to write the story down.

Our grammar and spelling focus this week is on plural nouns.

We are back to our regular schedule this week now that testing is complete. That means we will have our typical homework. Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes each night and recording what they read in their agendas. There will be a math practice sheet coming home on Monday which should be returned by Friday. Spelling words will come home on Monday and should be studied as needed throughout the week in preparation for Friday's quiz.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! I'm just an email away.

Don't forget Fall Break is Sept. 23-27. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly Update

Hello Third Grade Families!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Please save the following dates on your calendar:

Sept. 9th-12th IOWA Testing (3rd & 5th grade)
Sept. 10th Firehouse Subs Night
Sept. 13th PTA Family Fun Carnival 5-8pm
Sept 23rd -27th FALL BREAK!

Here's a look at our week:

Third grade students will be taking the IOWA assessment this week. Therefore, we will have no math homework or spelling words to study this week. Students should read at least 20 minutes each night.

In writing, we will finish up our personal narrative. The students have been typing their final draft. I've really enjoyed reading their stories! We have some great writers in 3rd grade!

In reading, we will being a new unit on context clues. This is a very important skill for 3rd graders as we move into deeper comprehension of what we're reading. When reading with your child at home, don't just tell them what an unknown word means, ask them to look for clues around the word to help them figure out the definition.

Later in the week, we will begin a unit on plural nouns. We will learn about the different rules for plural nouns starting with regular plurals which just need an -s and plurals that need -es. As we learn these rules, your child should start to apply them in his or her writing.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!

Monday, September 2, 2019

ELA Updates

Please save the following dates on your calendar:

Sept. 4th-6th COGAT Testing (1st & 3rd grade)
Sept. 9th-12th IOWA Testing (3rd & 5th grade)
Sept. 4th, 4:00-7:00 Bruster's Night
Sept. 5th, 6:00pm - PTA meeting & 5th grade performance
Sept 23rd -27th FALL BREAK!

There will be NO SPELLING or MATH homework this week or next week due to our testing schedule. We are still asking that students read for at least 20 minutes each night. Please be sure your child eats a good breakfast, gets plenty of sleep, and arrives on time during testing days. Thank you for your help with this!

Here's a look at our learning this week in ELA:

In reading, we are continuing to work on asking & answering questions about our texts. We will focus on finding answers in the text and also answering our questions in complete sentences, not just one word answers. I encourage you to practice this at home with your child!

In writing, we are finishing up our first draft of a personal narrative. We will begin typing our final drafts this week! We will review some Microsoft Word basics when we type as well, being sure that students know how to capitalize, punctuate, and use spaces on the keyboard.

On Thursday, all students will have a chance to see the 5th grade performance at school! Parents are welcome to come to the 6:00pm performance on Thursday night. We will also have a visit from our school counselor, Ms. Weston, this week.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me or Mrs. Westbrook know.

We're looking forward to a great week!