Monday, January 20, 2020

Weekly Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

Please save the following dates on your calendars:

Tues., Jan. 21st, Science Fair Entries Due by 7:45 am
Thur., Jan. 23rd, 5-8 pm, Chick-Fil-A Night
Fri., Jan. 24th, 6-9 pm, Father/Daughter Dance
Thurs., Jan. 30th, 6 pm,  STEM Night
Fri., Jan. 31st, 7-7:45 am, FBI Breakfast

Here's a look at our learning this week in ELA:

In reading, we will begin a new standard. We will be learning about literal and non-literal language such as idioms, similes, and metaphors. We will learn how context clues can help us understand the meaning of non-literal language. Ask your child if he or she can find any examples of non-literal language in the book they're reading at home each night.

In writing, we will finish up our opinion pieces about our favorite restaurant. These have been fun to write! They've also made us hungry!

Our grammar focus will continue with comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. 

Please remember to have your child (or you) write down what book he or she is reading each night in their agendas.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!
Laura Kloos

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