Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weekly Update

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Please save the following dates on your calendars:

Spring Picture Day February 4th
Progress Reports go Home February 13th
February Break-School Closed February 17th-21st

As you can see, Picture Day is this Tuesday. All students will be in our class picture. Individual pictures will only be taken if you pre-pay. Our picture time is not until late in the day (after P.E., lunch, and recess), so if there is something special you want your child to wear, I don't mind if you send in their picture clothing for them to change into before pictures. 

Here's a look at our learning this week:

In reading, we will begin working on comparing and contrasting story elements. We will first review what the story elements characters, setting, and plot are. We will also learn about the theme of a story. Once we've reviewed all of these elements, we will begin comparing them between different stories. At home, ask your child to think about two books he or she has read recently and how they are the same and different.

In writing, we will continue working on our evidence-based opinion piece. Ask your child about the topic he or she chose. I'm hoping that we will type a final draft at the end of the week.

I'm looking forward to a great week in 3rd grade! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about anything.

Thank you,
Laura Kloos

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