Hello Everyone,
- The Milestones ELA testing will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. We will begin each day at 8:00am sharp! Please make sure that your child gets a good night of sleep the night before, eats a good breakfast each morning, and is at school on time. If they arrive late, they will not be permitted into the testing room until we are finished with that day's section and will take the test on a make-up day.
- Testing will take up the majority of our morning. Once we are finished, we will be attending specials from 10:30 - 11:15 and lunch at our normal time each day. The afternoons of the days that we are testing will be used for math review.
- Don't forget that THIS FRIDAY is our 3rd grade Colonial Day. We will be working through a series of stations throughout the day to learn more about what life was like during colonial times. A letter was sent home last week about this event and detailed information about how your child can dress if they want to dress as a colonial man or woman for that day's events.
- There will be no homework or spelling for the next two weeks.
- Registration folders for next year were sent home with your child on Thursday. Please make sure to return these folders by this Thursday, April 18th.
- If you child indicated that they would like to be entered into our random drawing for participation in the wax museum at Gator Gala, please be sure to return that signed permission slip by TOMORROW, Monday, April 15th.
- Math Milestones testing will take place next week. We will test on Wednesday, April 24th and Thursday, April 25th.
- Please join us for garden clean-up day on Saturday, April 20th start at 8:00am. We have many garden areas around Addison that need to be weeded and cleaned out. We would love your help even if it is for a short time!
Thank you for everything you do to help your child be successful. I know that testing can be stressful at times, but I know that they will all try their best. They have worked very hard
all year to be able to show what they know on this test! Please keep in mind that this assessment is only one data point about your child. There are many amazing things that make them who they are!
If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am here to support you and your child in anyway that I can.
Have a great week!
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