Here is the website where our digital lessons will be posted while Cobb County Schools are closed. Please check this link each weekday at 9:00 for your child's assignments. Teachers will be available by email or ClassDojo message weekdays from 9:00-10:30.
Addison Elementary - 770-578-2700
Click here for our school website.
Mrs. Kloos's email:
Mrs. Westbrook's email:
Westbrook Lunch: 11:24-11:54
Kloos Lunch: 11:27-12:27
Kloos Specials:
Mon - P.E.
Tues - P.E.
Wed - Art
Thurs - P.E.
Fri - Music
Westbrook Specials:
Mon - P.E.
Tues - Music
Wed - P.E.
Thurs - P.E.
Fri - Art
Third grade students are expected to read at least 20 minutes each night. Students should record their minutes and book title in their agenda each night. Math homework will come home on Mondays and should be returned by Fridays each week. Spelling words will be written in agendas on Mondays and should be studies as needed throughout the week in preparation for a quiz on Friday.
Transportation Changes:
If you need to make a change in your child's regular mode of dismissal transportation, it must be in writing. We are not allowed to accept an email. If the school day has begun, call the front office and the secretary will help you make the transportation change.
Please send in a healthy snack for your child each day. Water bottles are also a good idea, but not required.
Tardies and Absences:
Your child is tardy if he or she arrives to the classroom after 7:45. If your child is absent, please send in a written note or doctor's note explaining the absence. You may also email your absence excuse.
Did you just finish reading a book? Complete this survey to earn a reading reward!
Hooray! I finished a book!
If you need to sign in, the username/email is
The password is your school computer password.