Hello Third Grade Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the week off (despite the weather)! We are excited to see everyone bright and early tomorrow morning. Please read this information carefully as there are several important updates and announcements.
Georgia Milestones Assessment
You have probably heard of the Milestones test. Beginning in 3rd grade, students take an assessment in ELA and math toward the end of the school year. Please save these dates for 3rd grade testing so you can be sure your child is in attendance:
April 16th, 17th, 18th - ELA (reading & writing)
April 24th & 25th - Math
*Please note that students in 4th and 5th grade will be testing on different days.
We have been working hard all year to cover the 3rd grade standards to prepare your child for success on this assessment. We will continue reviewing skills as the testing dates get closer. One new part of testing this year will be that all students will take the test on a computer. The students are fairly familiar with computers, but one big difference is that there will be no spelling or grammar check as students are typing their answers and writing essays. Some students seem to rely on the red or blue squiggly lines and auto-capitalization features. If you're able to turn these off, your child would benefit from typing practice at home on a computer without these features. He or she could type a short paragraph about what happened that day or a few sentences telling what happened in a story he or she read. Even typing an email to a friend or family member (with those grammar and spelling features turned off) could be a fun way to practice typing. We will, of course, continue working on this at school as well.
For more information about the test, the content and some sample items, please click here.
Read Across America Week
Feel free to participate in these fun events this week:
Monday-Door Decorating-judging on Friday
Tuesday-Student Book Mark Contest- ends Wed.
Wednesday-Get caught reading by people in red hats and receive a treat.
***Thursday-Dress up like your favorite book character. ***
Friday-Wear spirit wear and Dr. Seuss' hat
STEM Supplies
In a couple weeks, we will be completing a stem activity in 3rd grade. We are in need of the following supplies if you have them lying around at your house. Please don't go out and buy anything. This project will be all about using recycled materials.
recycled milk jugs
plastic bottles
recycled small plastic containers from snacks (like fruit cups or yogurt)
cardboard boxes/cardboard pieces
paper towel or toilet paper rolls
egg cartons
Here's a look at our learning this week:
In writing, we will finish up our opinion rough draft and hopefully begin typing a final draft. In reading, we will focus on character traits and understanding how the feelings and actions of a character affect the plot of story. In grammar, we will learn more about conjunctions.
In social studies, we will continue learning about early explorers. This week, we will learn more about Hernando De Soto and Henry Hudson.
In math, we will continue working on measurement to the nearest quarter inch and then plotting measurements on a line plot.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at laura.kloos@cobbk12.org.