Welcome Back!
I hope everyone had a great Fall Break! I enjoyed the extra time with my family, but now it's back to work!
Please save these important dates on your calendar:
Mon, Sept. 17th-Oct.17, Foundation Catalog Sales Please click here for more info on how you can support the Addison Foundation.
Tues, Oct 2nd, 8:15-9:15 am, Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Hallmark and Mr. Cohen in the Learning Commons
Tues, Oct 2nd, 5-8 pm Zaxby's Night
Thur, Oct 4, Fall Picture Day - Everyone will have their picture taken for the yearbook.
Thurs, Oct 11th, 12:15, Early Release Day
Mon, Oct 15th - Fri, Oct 19th, 12:15 Early Release every day for Conference Week
Fri, Oct 26, 6:00 pm, Boo-vie Night
Homework: We will resume our regular homework this week. Math practice will come home on Monday to be returned on Friday. Spelling words will be written in agendas on Monday. We will have a spelling quiz on Friday. Your child should be reading at least 20 minutes each night. Please log your minutes using Biblionasium. Remember, Mrs. Nelson, our media specialist/librarian has challenged each of us to read 40 books by the end of the year!
Conference Week: Conference week is the week of Oct. 15th. Please check your child's binder Monday night for an orange-ish colored paper with your conference time. Please sign and return the form ASAP. Please keep the top portion of the form so you have your date & time for the conference.
Here's a look at our learning this week:
In writing, we will build on what we previously learned about how to write a personal narrative. The students will "grade" his or her previous writing using a checklist and then write a brand new story.
In reading, we will look at different types of literature this week such as plays and poems. We will learn the terms "stanza" and "scene". We will practice answering questions about plays and poems using evidence from the text in our answers.
We will focus on health standards this week during our science time. We will learn what healthy food choices are. Please visit https://www.choosemyplate.gov/ for more info. We will also have a visit from WellStar Health Systems this week to help us understand how our food choices affect our health.
In math, we will continue understanding what division is all about. We will see the connection between multiplication and division. Soon, we will begin memorizing multiplication facts, but for now we are focusing on understanding what multiplication and division mean, and understanding that there are many different strategies we can use to multiply and divide.
As always, please let me or Mrs. Keith know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!