Sunday, August 26, 2018

Weekly Update

Hello Everyone,

Please save these important dates:

August 29th, Early Release Day, 12:20 pm

August 30th, Grandparents' Breakfast for Grades 3rd-5th

August 30th, Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 5-8 pm

August 31st, Grandparents' Breakfast for K-2nd

Sept. 3rd,  NO SCHOOL - Labor Day

Sept. 24-28th,  NO SCHOOL - Fall Break

  • Please be sure your child knows how he or she is getting home on Wednesday since it is an early release day. If there is a change in his or her regular transportation, it must be in writing.
  • Please remember to send in the Diamond Del field trip permission forms as soon as you can.
  • If you are ordering books from the Scholastic book order form, please complete your order by this Tuesday, August 28th. You may order online Our class code is P2Y3C.
Here's a look at our learning this week:

Writing & Grammar: We have completed several short stories and we are now ready to pick one topic to focus on for the next several days. We will learn how to plan for and organize our thoughts as we write a personal narrative. Ask your child what he or she is writing about. We will also continue our study of nouns. We will learn about abstract nouns this week.

Reading: This week we will learn that good readers ask and answer questions while they're reading. We will practice this with Charlotte's Web and also with books and passages we are using during our guided reading groups. We will create our own questions about the texts we are reading. When we answer questions, we will practice using complete sentences.

Social Studies: This week we will learn that our government provides all kinds of services for its citizens. We will be using the information here to help us with an activity in class tomorrow. We will also learn about opportunity cost this week. Talk with your child about the economic choices made in your family.

Math: We will use what we've leaned about 3-digit addition and subtraction as we tackle word problems this week. We will be working on 2-step word problems, which can be quite tricky. With any math story problem, it is very important to read the problem slowly to try to understand what you're really being asked to do. We've also noticed that several students are still struggling with subtraction facts within 20. Here's a timed game to help them practice 

On Wednesday, we will have STEM DAY!!! We will complete at least 1 Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) challenge in class, hopefully 2 if there is time. Here's a fun video which explains what engineering is all about:

Finally, I will be absent on Thursday and Friday. My husband's brother is getting married in Boston. I am excited to visit a new city and learn more about our country's history! Everyone will be in good hands with Mrs. Keith and our substitute!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know at

Thank you!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Weekly Update

Happy Sunday!

Please save the following dates:

August 24th, FBI (Father's Being Involved) Breakfast, 7:15 am

August 29th, Early Release Day, 12:20 pm

August 30th, Grandparents' Breakfast for Grades 3rd-5th

August 30th, Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 5-8 pm

August 31st, Grandparents' Breakfast for K-2nd

Sept. 3rd, NO SCHOOL

Here's a look at our learning this week:

Writing & Grammar: We will continue working on how to write personal narratives. We will read examples with great imagery and details to inspire us with our own writings. We will also continue our study of nouns. We will work with plural nouns this week.

Reading: We are continuing to use the characters from Charlotte's Web to help us understand how to describe character traits. We will have an assessment on Friday to show what we've learned. To help your child prepare for this assessment, you can ask them questions about what they're reading at home like "How does the character feel?" "What is the character thinking or saying to show how they're feeling?" "How would you describe the character?" You could also ask them to describe a character from Charlotte's Web.

Social Studies: We will learn that just as we have 3 branches of the National government, we also have 3 branches of our state government. We will learn that the state branches have the same responsibilities as the national branches, but are called different things. Help your child prepare for our quiz on Friday by studying this chart:
Math: We will be adding and subtracting within 1000 this week. We will review some strategies previously learned in 2nd grade and then work with the regrouping strategy. This can be quite tricky with subtraction! Here's a helpful chart.


  • Please return the 2 signed forms (the white permission form & the colored brochure) and payment envelope so that your child can participate in our in-house field trip with Diamond Del's.
  • Please send in a separate note stating how your child will be going home if there is a tranportation change. Remember to let us know if your child should be staying after school for a club.
  • Thank you to everyone who has sent in headphones! Please send in a pair with your child if you have not already done so.

  • Study spelling words (written in your child's agenda). Quiz will be on Friday.
  • Complete the math activities sent home on Monday to be returned Friday.
  • Read at least 20 minutes each night and log your book & minutes on biblionasium. 
  • Do something helpful at home 😀 (vacuum, laundry, dishes, help with dinner, etc)
Have a great week!

Please let me or Mrs. Keith know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Weekly Update

Hello 3rd Grade Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We are looking forward to seeing you back at school tomorrow morning.

Save the following important dates on your calendar please:
Tuesday, August 14th - Zaxby's Night - 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Friday, August 24th - FBI Breakfast - 7:15am
WednesdayAugust 29th - Early Release - 12:20pm
Thursday, August 30th - Grandparents' Breakfast for Grades 3-5

Here's a look at our learning this week:

Reading - We will begin our unit on character traits. We will use the book Charlotte's Web to help us understand characters feelings, actions, sayings, and traits.

Writing & language arts: We will work on our first narrative writing and focus on where to get ideas for stories. We will also review what a noun is and the difference between common and proper nouns.

Social studies: We will continue our work with the Three Branches of Government. We have been working in groups to do some research and this week, each group will have the opportunity to create a short video showing what they've learned. Hopefully, these videos will be posted on class dojo later in the week!

Math: We will use what we've already learned about place value to help us with our new concept... ROUNDING! Third graders should be able to estimate numbers by rounding to the nearest 10s or 100s place. 

Homework officially starts this week!

Reading - Your child should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes every night. Please go to biblionasium to log your minutes. After clicking on the link below, select the green section in the middle. Your child can log on with his or her Cobb County student #.  We will be practicing this again in the library later this week, but some may be ready to try now. Please let me know if you have any questions about logging minutes. Biblionasium

Math - Each Monday, your child will bring home math homework for the week. It is to be returned on Friday. There are also optional games on our blog for more practice. Check out the links on the right side of the page.

Spelling - Spelling words are to be studied as needed. They are written in your child's agenda. We will have a quiz on Friday.

Please remember to send in a note with the date for any transportation changes. 

Thank you! We are looking forward to a great week!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Weekly Update

Hello Third Grade Families,

Each weekend, I will send out some reminders and information on what we will be learning during the upcoming week. 

  • First, some sad news: Mrs. Keith and I both had to put our dogs down last week. My golden retriever, Monster, was put down on Tuesday and then suddenly, Mrs. Keith's dog, Jackson, also a golden retriever, had to be put down on Friday. It was an emotional week and weekend for both of us, as our dogs had been with us for over 10 years. In the past, we've joked about how many things we have in common; but our dogs dying within days of each other is not something we ever saw coming. I think being busy and back at school tomorrow will be a welcomed distraction for both of us. 

  • There is no written homework yet, but we are asking that you read with your child each night for at least 20 minutes.

  • Don't forget to sign up for class dojo. If you're having trouble getting connected, let me know ASAP. This is where photos and videos of your child will be posted, so be sure to check it often. There are already several photos from last week up!

  • If there is a change in your child's regular transportation home, please put a note with the date on it in the front of his or her TEAM binder.

Save the Date:
August 9th- Open House- Schedule below:
5:00-6:00- Kindergarten and First Grades in Classrooms. 
5:00 Target/ALP meeting for all parents of students who are in Target- 2nd-5th grades in the Learning Commons.
6:00-6:30- PTA/Foundation meeting- Come hear about the upcoming events.  Make sure to join tonight if you have not already done so.
6:30-7:30- 2nd – 5th grade teachers will begin to discuss important information for the school year.
Open House is an event for parents. We encourage you to make other arrangements for your children, but understand if you need to bring them.

Here's a look at our learning this week:

Reading - We will learn how reading stations work, which will allow for effective small group reading instruction. We will also work on building our independent reading stamina.

Writing - We will begin to learn how to write personal narrative stories. 

Math - We will learn how math stations work in our class and then begin learning about place value and number sense.

Social Studies - We will begin our first unit on the United States Government! The students will be conducting research about the three branches of government.

We will also visit the science lab on Monday for the first time. Weather permitting, we will be outside and possibly getting a little muddy with all the recent rain, so please dress accordingly.

On Thursday, we will visit our Learning Commons (library).

We are looking forward to a great week in third grade! As always if you have any questions or concerns, please let me or Mrs. Keith know.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

First Day of School!

Hello Third Grade Families,

We had such a great first day today! I'm excited about this group of kiddos making up our third grade team! Today your child brought home his or her Team Binder. Homework and important papers will go in this binder. Please look for it each day. There will be papers to keep at home almost every night. If you need to return papers or send us a note or turn in money for the school, please use the front pocket of the binder. It is not necessary to sign the agenda each day.

There is no written homework yet, but we are asking that you read with your child each night for at least 20 minutes.

Don't forget to sign up for class dojo. If you're having trouble getting connected, let me know ASAP.

Save the Date:
August 9th- Open House- Schedule below:
5:00-6:00- Kindergarten and First Grades in Classrooms. 
5:00 Target/ALP meeting for all parents of students who are in Target- 2nd-5th grades in the Learning Commons.
6:00-6:30- PTA/Foundation meeting- Come hear about the upcoming events.  Make sure to join tonight if you have not already done so.

6:30-7:30- 2nd – 5th grade teachers will begin to discuss important information for the school year.